Market Research
A quick way to understand
Japanese consumers’ behavior.

Want to know if your product can fit into the Japanese market?
Our support service for large-scale marketing research using general consumer health and medical data might be able to help you to decide.
We help our clients of healthcare-related products, including health food products, health gadgets & daily appliances, understand their product by providing suitable market research services that utilize our own health and medical data of general consumers and their lifestyle data.
As we take our Corporate Social Responsibility and continue to provide free health check-ups, we expect the volume and variety of data in our volunteer network to grow, enabling us to expand the range of services in the future.
- Access to a large number of individuals with health and medical records
Since establishment, we have gathered much clinical data of individuals with the help of our free checkups. Clients can rely on us to recruit individuals of specific health and medical background to suit their market investigation.
- Proper data aggregation and statistical analysis available
Our knowledge in data science also enables us to help client analyze their results better through comprehensive and extensive data analysis.